Convergent Knowing: Christianity and Science in Conversation with a Suffering Creation
by Simon Appolloni
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Book Description

In Convergent Knowing Simon Appolloni proposes a new framework for ethical deliberation in which the epistemological lines between religion and science are somewhat blurred. This framework opens up avenues to explore new paradigms for Christianity, science, and liberation while addressing interrelated questions not always manifest within the religion, science, and ethics debates: what kind of ethics, what kind of science, and what kind of Christianity do we need today and tomorrow when the liberation of countless subjects of creation is at stake? Exploring and analyzing the work of Rosemary Radford Ruether, Leonardo Boff, Diarmuid O'Murchu, and Thomas Berry, four Christian ethical thinkers who have borrowed from the natural sciences to unite a liberationist agenda with an environmental ethic, Convergent Knowing assists Christian thinkers struggling to integrate science, environment, liberation, and their faith.

Published by McGill-Queen’s University Press

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About the author
Simon is a sessional instructor at the University of Toronto in environmental studies, as well as Associate Publishing Director at Novalis. His doctoral research, which led to the writing of Convergent Knowing, focused on the intersection of Christianity, ethics, science and the environment. When not walking in the woods or along the lake with friends and loved ones, he enjoys giving talks to groups interested in what post-normal Christianity and ethics might look like.
A thoughtfully constructed, comprehensively researched, and challenging book.

— Environmental Values