BLOG: Matthew Neugebauer
While Pope Francis can't make it to Dubai this weekend, Secretary of State (Pope Francis' right-hand-man) Cardinal Pietro Parolin will go in his stead, the Holy See Press Office has indicated. more
The IL describes the Synod as a liturgical assembly in part to minimize the sense that it’s “a parliamentary structure with its dynamics of majority building” (#48). more
To my mind, the most striking image from the Instrumentum Laboris happens to be the most traditional. more
Pope Francis is heading to Marseille, France this weekend on his 44th Apostolic Journey abroad. more
Many synod observers may be tempted to think of "Communion, Participation, Mission" as three discrete and potentially disconnected "pillars" of synodality. The IL directly confronts that perception (#43), more
The Instrumentum Laboris (IL) or “Working Document” for the 2023 General Assembly was released last month by the Synod Secretariat. more
This morning, the Synod Secretariat announced the participants of the upcoming XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, who will be meeting this October and again next year. more
Following Chapter Two of Fratelli Tutti, the reflection takes up the parable of the Good Samaritan as its guide to pastoral reflection. more
Towards Full Presence, the recent pastoral reflection from the Dicastery for Communication, weighs in on the pitfalls and opportunities of social media in today's world. more
In my last reflection, I looked at how the expansion of voting privileges at this October’s Synod of Bishops emerged from lay participation in previous Synods, more