BLOG: Matthew%20Harrison
As the Year for Priests begins, the Year of St. Paul is drawing to a close. We invite you to join us this Sunday for the final episode of Lectio Divina with Archbishop Thomas Collins: A Year with St. Paul. Archbishop Collins’ final encounter with St. Paul’s writings this season is a reflection on the more
This Friday, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, marks the beginning of the Year of the Priest. Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed the year, June 19th 2009 to June 19th 2010, as the opportunity for priests to develop a sense of “spiritual perfection, upon which the effectiveness of their ministry principally depends.” It offers more
A multi-billion dollar industry. That’s how a Ottawa based Catholic Organization for Life and Family describes the economics of assisted procreation, an industry that has grown rapidly in the last 30 years. This topic is explored in a recent brochure from COLF titled High-Tech Babies: Exploring New Challenges to Human Dignity. The 12-page document discusses more
Many of our readers will be celebrating the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ this Sunday. However, some parts of the Catholic world, including Rome, celebrate this great solemnity today, June 11th, the first Thursday after Trinity Sunday. Salt + Light Television is pleased to present special coverage of Vatican celebrations today. At more
As June rolls around this year, I am reminded of the International Eucharistic Congress held in Quebec City last year. It was an intense week of catechesis and witness talks, beautiful Masses, a powerful Ordination Mass (which will be broadcast Saturday, June 27 at 7.30 pm ET) and a very wet and chaotic closing Mass! more
Pentecost had an added Marian flavour this year, as the great solemnity fell on May 31st — the last day of the month dedicated to Mary, and also the feast of the Visitation. Pope Benedict XVI tied the Vistiation into his Regina Caeli address in St. Peter’s Square: The young Mary who, carrying Jesus in more
“The tyranny of the autonomous self. ” What an interesting phrase to consider. It’s a phrase from Bishop John Corriveau at the latest edition of Nothing More Beautiful. As many of you know, Nothing More Beautiful is a five year initiative of the Archdiocese of Edmonton featuring catechesis and witness talks that aim to renew more
As a follow-up to Sunday’s entry about Pope2You.Net — the Vatican is reporting that in its first day of operation the website received half a million visits. Webmaster Father Paolo Padrini of Vatican Radio, said the site is intended “to create a climate of belonging, of participating in the Church, through ever greater closeness with more
If you missed it when it first came out in January, you may want to check out Pope Benedict XVI’s MESSAGE for the 43rd World’s Day of Communications, which we mark today. It’s worth the read, particularly as it discusses how relationships are being formed by new technologies ( I’m thinking particularly of Facebook or more
With the busy schedule this past week — Pope Benedict in the Holy Land, the March for Life — we forgot to mention some very important happenings in our Salt + Light Family. Chris Valka, CSB, who many of you may recognize from his contributions to our Focus programming, work in the Mission to the more