BLOG: Matthew%20Harrison
The Message for this year’s World Communications Day was released today. The Message, available below, speaks of the power of technology to connect people together — it’s particularly relevant to young people. As the president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications Archbishop Claudio Celli noted at a press conference this morning, the Message touches more
Pope Benedict XVI extended his well wishes to Barak Obama as he was sworn in Tuesday as the 44th President of the United States Tuesday. In a telegram, the Holy Father assured the newly elected President Obama of his prayers, that God may grant him “unfailing wisdom and strength in the exercise of your high more
The defense of life is the subject of a 30-second television ad that was aired on Chicago based Black Entertainment Television during Barack Obama’s presidential inauguration. Produced by, a project of the Fidelis Center for Law and Policy, the ad features an ultra-sound image, interspersed with text saying: “This child’s future is a broken more
As heard on Zoom, this Sunday marks the beginning of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The overall theme is “That they may become one in your hand,” Ezekiel 37:17. Interestingly, according to a note from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity the reflection and prayers for the week are: “rooted in the more
“A light will shine on us this day, the Lord is born for us: he shall be called Wonderful God, Prince of Peace, Father of the world to come; and his kingdom will never end.” (Isaiah 9:2, 6) Happy new year! 2009 is just minutes old — at least in Toronto — and though celebrations more
If you caught our Catholic Focus Christmas episode you may recall Fr. Rosica referring to the wood of the manger and the wood of the cross.  I’ve found myself thinking of that point this past weekend after visiting the local Church’s Nativity scene.  The Christmas mystery, mingling with the Passion and the Easter mystery. Curiously, more
His Gift
Matthew Harrison
December 24, 2008
As I sit here typing this on Christmas Eve, there’s a sense of excitement in the air.  Christmas is almost upon us!  This has me thinking about our Christmas Focus episode this year. When I was preparing for the show I had a very simple first question for you — What is Christmas for you? more
As we enter into Christmas Eve Day, Salt + Light wants to remind you of our Christmas programming line up.  We told you recently about The Priest’s concert, but there’s plenty more: Liam Neeson hosts The Birth of Christ, which offers highlights of Andrew T. Miller’s beautiful musical celebration of the Savior’s birth. Christmas in more
A popular song describes Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year — well if it’s so wonderful, why are we so quick to rush through Christmas and move onto the next celebration? And what is this basis of this wonder? In this year’s Catholic Focus Christmas episode we explore what Christmas is — more
Last week I told you about our Catholic Focus interview with The Priests. If you didn’t have a chance to catch it on Wednesday or Sunday, you can now stream it online by clicking HERE. The episode features two performances from a concert they performed in Toronto on December 1st. Salt + Light will be more