BLOG: Matthew%20Harrison
It’s a busy weekend for us here at Salt + Light. A group is heading down to Los Angeles to collect our Gabriel Award for Television Station of the Year. Check the blog next week for their thoughts on the experience. Meanwhile, in Rome, as the Synod of Bishops draws to a close Fr. Rosica more
In the midst of all the hard work and writing, an event of biblical proportions took place on Thursday evening. It took place not in the synod hall, but at a building known to us as “the Biblicum” in Rome’s Piazza della Pilotta, near the Trevi Fountain. It was a reunion and festive dinner at more
A new season of Lectio Divina with Archbishop Thomas Collins begins this Sunday at 9pm ET on Salt + Light. The theme of this year is, appropriately, “A Year with St. Paul.” His Grace will be exploring Acts 9:1-22, the Conversion of Saul, in this particular episode. As the Archbishop delves into the conversion story more
When I was reading about the Canadian Martyrs last week, their feast day was last Friday, I came across a July 7th 1930 Time Magazine article detailing Pope Pius XI’s activities for July 7th. On the second page of the article was the following: A light but bulky package arrived at the Vatican last week more
Liturgically, this is one of my favourite weeks of the year. Today we celebrate the feast of the Archangels — St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael. One of my customs this day is to look up Scripture references to the different Archangels and meditate on it as I consider the work of these heavenly more
The Archbishop of Bombay is calling the violence in India against Christians by Hindu extremists “inexplicable,” a “disgrace” and “madness,” Cardinal Oswald Gracias made the comments to L’Osservatore Romano earlier this week. Anti-Christian violence has ravaged the country after the murder of a Hindu leader by Maoist rebels in late August. Perhaps the most affected more
One of my earliest recollections of encountering the life of a saint was a biography on St. Pio of Pietrelcina, or Padre Pio as he is more commonly known. Though I don’t remember the title, I can vividly recall my mother reading the book to me as a young boy. I was captivated by it more
If you’re in the Toronto area this weekend, I would suggest stopping by St. Michael’s Cathedral Sunday, September 21st, for Archbishop Thomas Collins’ Lectio Divina. After a two month summer break, the Archbishop is back with a new season of Lectio focusing on St. Paul. For the first edition, His Grace will be reflecting on more
Covering the 49th International Eucharistic Congress was an intense experience — long hours, little sleep, an abundance of sights and sounds. I left Quebec City pleased yet exhausted… and after the closing Mass… wet and a little muddy. Upon returning to Toronto I began reading through the notes I had taken during that week at more
Pope Benedict XVI offered a nice reflection on his trip to France at his his Wednesday General Audience. I find interesting the Holy Father’s discussion of the Cross and suffering — specifically the sign of the cross by our Blessed Mother when appearing to St. Bernadette. Here is the english translation, by S+L’s Alicia Ambrossio. more