BLOG: Matthew%20Harrison
New norms were issued today by the Holy See for Catholics who want Mass celebrated in the Tridentine rite, while Amnesty International is criticizing the Vatican on human rights. Catholic News Service’s Rome Bureau Chief John Thavis has the details.   To download Flash Player please click here more
A report from a Vatican-sponsored working group is examining the environmental issues of greenhouse gas emissions, reforestation, air pollution, and global warming. In this week’s Vatican Report, Catholic News Service’s Rome correspondent Cindy Wooden and Rome Bureau Chief John Thavis discuss the Pontifical Science Academy’s findings, and how it relates to what the Church teaches. more
Earlier this week we told you about the meeting between Vatican officials and bloggers. Catholic News Service’s Rome correspondent Carol Glatz was in attendance, and joins Rome Bureau Chief John Thavis to discuss the meeting in this week’s CNS Vatican Report. To download Flash Player please click here more
Members of the Pontifical Academy for Social Sciences have met in Rome to discuss recent sociological findings concerning religious freedom and the modern world. Catholic News Service’s Carol Glatz has the details. To download Flash Player please click here Pope Benedict also addressed the Academy during their meeting. He expressed his thanks to them for more
“Do something beautiful for God.” That’s the advice that Leonardo Defilippis received from Mother Teresa. The stage actor responded by dedicating his life to bringing the story of saints to the stage and screen through his company Saint Luke Productions. He’s told the stories of St. Maximilian Kolbe and St. Francis, as well as the more
The Catholic blogosphere has touched down in Rome. Catholic News Service has more on the meeting between Catholic bloggers and Vatican officials. To download Flash Player please click here more
On May 1st we celebrated the Beatification of John Paul II. That 1.5 million (!) people gathered in Rome for this historic event is a testament to the connection that the Polish Pontiff had with the faithful. He was a great communicator — and some consider that one of the lasting hallmarks of his life. more
The crowds shouted “Santo Subito” — Sainthood now! – at his funeral, and now some six years later he’ll be joining the ranks of the saints! This Sunday Pope John Paul II will be declared Blessed. Our coverage for the Beatification Mass begins at 3:30am ET/12:30am PT on May 1st, and includes our production Thank more
Violence in the Middle East, Libya, the Ivory Coast. Destruction in Japan. Persecution of Christians. Amidst all the turmoil it seems hard to find the joy of Easter. But in his Urbi et Orbi message, Pope Benedict XVI says it is for these “painful situations” that Christ died for us. In heaven all is peace more
Pope Benedict presided over the Way of the Cross at Rome’s Colosseum today. The meditations this year were written by an Augustian nun, Sister Maria Rita Piccione, OSA. She’s the President of the Our Lady of Good Counsel Federation of Augustinian Monasteries in Italy. In the meditation on the fourth station, Jesus meets his Mother, more