BLOG: Matthew%20Harrison
Many Salt+Light viewers are familiar with our on-air personalities, but behind the camera there is a host of hard working and creative individuals that make S+L tick. One of those individuals is Marc Boudignon. His face may not be familiar, but he is one of S+L’s dedicated and talented editors — bringing you our book more
“Pray for my conversion.” I remember coming across these words when reading about Brother Andre Bessette, the pious porter who was known as the miracle maker of Mount Royal, in Quebec. It struck me as an odd statement. Brother Andre, proclaimed blessed in May 1982, was a very holy man. How could a living saint more
It’s that time of year again! Or at least it’s a little earlier than what would normally be that time of year. It’s time for most of us in Canada to spring forward! (I say most as my colleague Gillian, a native of Saskatchewan, reminded me that parts of B-C and most of her province more
When I ran out my front door the other day and began my sprint for the streetcar (the way I usually begin my morning commute) I couldn’t help but notice that it was snowing. “More snow,” I thought, “Does it ever end?” I am sick of the white stuff, wearied of the cold, irritated by more
Today in the liturgical calendar the Church celebrates the feast of Saints Felicity and Perpetua. These two women were martyred at Carthage, in Northern Africa in 203. Their names may sound familiar as they’re mentioned in the Roman Canon at Mass. (“For ourselves, too, we ask some share in the fellowship of your apostles and more
Some of you may have seen the Fifth Estate Wednesday night which profiled a sexually abusive priest in the Diocese of London, Ontario. I’m sure all of you will agree that the abuse committed by this priest is horrendous: it should be neither covered up nor ignored. If you’re like me, you’ll also find it more
Tomb Zoom
Matthew Harrison
February 27, 2007
By now most of you have probably heard about the ‘discovery’ of the so-called “Jesus Tomb.” You’ve probably also noticed that the announcement accompanied the release of a book, a website, and an upcoming TV program. Interesting how that works. Unfortunately it would seem that those involved in this fiasco are more interested in grabbing more
Matthew Harrison
February 26, 2007
Timely words contained in the psalm at today’s Mass: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” (Ps 19) I usually have to struggle with my pride when it comes to fasting or other sacrifices. So often I want to more
Reading John’s blogspot on Psalm 23, I couldn’t help but be drawn to today’s feast – the Chair of St. Peter. The Lord, the Good Shepherd, built his church on Peter the rock, and has created a succession of shepherds to watch over us, his flock. Speaking to his apostles, Christ said: “’But who do more
Most people talk of giving up something for Lent, but why not try picking up something? More specifically why not pick up the rosary, and get into the practice of praying it daily? Salt + Light can help you with this! Salt + Light is proud to present the debut of our new prayer series more