BLOG: Matthew%20Harrison
The theme for the latest edition of Nothing More Beautiful is The Church We Believe in is Catholic. To stress the Catholicity, or the universality, of the Church, this episode takes on a bit more of an international flavour.  You’ll notice flags from a number of countries in the Basilica — representing the many different more
Rosary? Check. Pilgrim’s booklet? Check. YouCat? Check. World Youth Day guidebook? Check. The pilgrim packs are being assembled for this year’s World Youth Day in Madrid. And just like when he became the first pilgrim to register for the August 2011 event, Pope Benedict became the first to receive the pilgrim pack. The Archbishop of more
While some shake their head at seemingly lower number of vocations, the Holy Father says that the Lord still calls people today, and “at every stage of life to share in his mission and to serve the Church in the ordained ministry and in the consecrated life.” The Lord is calling — but we must more
There’s nothing really around that can turn lead into gold, but by God’s grace we can turn trials into love. That line is one of many gems from Archbishop Thomas Collins in February’s Lectio Divina. This month Toronto’s chief shepherd begins a series of reflection on the Letter of St. James.  In this particular episode more
Friday is the World Day of the Sick (read the Pope’s message for the day here) and Saturday marks the 80th birthday for Vatican Radio. Catholic News Service’s Rome bureau chief John Thavis reports. To download Flash Player please click here more
The Diocese of Rome has launched a new website for the beatification of John Paul II. Catholic News Service’s Rome correspondent Cindy Wooden reports on this and other news at the Vatican for February 8th. To download Flash Player please click here more
Pope Benedict addressed the plenary assembly of the Congregation for Catholic Education today. Among the topics discussed: the internet and seminary formation. Catholic News Service’s Rome Bureau Chief John Thavis has more on this, as well as the Pope’s comments on Egypt, and an American Cardinal takes his titular Church in Rome. To download Flash more
General Audience, and the Christmas season comes to an end with the feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple. Catholic News Service’s John Thavis takes a look at happenings at the Vatican for February 2nd, which includes an unexpected greeting for the Holy Father. To download Flash Player please click here more
Since 1997, the Church has celebrated February 2nd, the Presentation of our Lord in the Temple, as the World Day for Consecrated Life. In a 2010 homily, Pope Benedict said that the presentation is the “model for every man and woman who consecrate their life totally to the Lord.”  He explained that the purpose of more
We Canadians like our summer long weekends.  Once May arrives, we indulge in a monthly long weekend until October! (With the exception of June outside of Quebec.) In an attempt to satiate our long weekend desires, five provinces have a long weekend in February.  Three of those provinces — Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan — celebrate more