BLOG: Deacon Pedro〈uage=
Ubuntu. Chances are many of you haven’t heard of this word until now. Pronounced “oo-boon-too”, this small African word represents big African philosophies. Derived from the Bantu languages of southern African (Swahili is one such language), ubuntu translates to “I am what I am because of who we all are.” This concept is especially foreign more
Last Friday afternoon, I arrived at the 5th floor, resource Library of the Catholic Pastoral Centre in Toronto for a special book signing of Archbishop Thomas Collins’ new book, Pathway to our Hearts: A Simple Approach to Lectio Divina with the Sermon on the Mount. As many of you know, Archbishop Collins is a great fan of the tradition of praying with Scriptures. “Lectio divina” literally means “sacred reading” and in this book, Collins shares an accessible approach to and a fresh perspective on this ancient practice. Compiled from the transcripts of his first lectio series at St. Michael’s Cathedral, from 2007, the book invites readers to listen to the Word of God and ask what this word tells them about loving God with their mind, their heart and with their hands. The book is for anyone who wants to pray with the Word of God and develop a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. more
While the world is distracted by events in the middle East, first in Tunisia, then Egypt, followed by riots in Jordan, in Yemen, back to Egypt – let’s not forget the persecution of Christians in Iraq – and back to Egypt… not all is bad news in that part of the world. Well… sort of that part of the world. more
This Sunday is the 5th Sunday in Ordinary time and around the world, parishioners will hear a Gospel message that is a favourite for us here at S+L. People have gathered around Jesus - Matthew says that it’s on a hillside – and Jesus is teaching the people. He has just told them about how blessed the poor are and how they should rejoice because the Kingdom of heaven is theirs. He then looks at them intensely and says: “You are the salt of the earth; what good is salt if it has lost its taste? And what good is a light if it’s hidden under a basket? You are the light of the world…” more
The bible is full of passages exhorting us to care for the widows and orphans and it seems that quite often we think that only applied to the people of Israel, way back when. Did you know that, while there may not be any orphanages in Canada anymore, there are some 80,000 children under the protection of child and family service agencies? These children need families. They need a place to belong. Whether it is for adoption or for temporary placement, Canada needs families to help care for these children. more
Just the other night I was with friends and ended up having a conversation about… guess what? Chastity! Well, love, marriage, sex and relationships. One of my friends explained that he didn’t want to get married because for it to end up in divorce would be a failure. Even though he did not see marriage more
“That they all be one” is one of Jesus’ last prayers. He was thinking of his followers, and for the next 2000 years, his followers have been trying to figure out just what Christian Unity means. This week, as is every year, from January 18-25, is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The week more
Last Tuesday was the beginning of the Week for Prayer for Christian Unity. This has been taking place for 103 years and is celebrated around the world. The Holy Father, in his Angelus address last Sunday invited all to join him in “praying earnestly for the gift of unity among the followers of our Lord more
If you’re like me, you’re done with New Year’s resolutions. Still, I’d like to spend more time in prayer and dedicate more time to fitness – I am not that young anymore! But sometimes I feel I have to choose. If I have half an hour a day, should I spend it in prayer, or should I spend it working out? Do I split the time? Do I try to combine them? Sometimes, when I swim, I’ll say a decade of the Rosary, one Hail Mary per lap… I know a lot of people do this while jogging. I am curious to know what your strategy is to integrate prayer and fitness. more
Today is January 6th, and I am thinking of the three wise men. And the three wise men make me think of distances. I was always intrigued about distances in Israel. When I read that Mary and Joseph walked from Nazareth to Bethlehem, or that Mary rode on a donkey, it’s hard to appreciate how more