BLOG: Deacon Pedro〈uage=
We are all familiar with award ceremonies –the Oscars, the Junos, the Grammys, the Genies and Geminis – there are also Catholic film and TV awards, the Gabriels – for the last two years S+L TV has won the award for TV station of the year – but have you heard of Catholic music awards? more
What’s happening to Perspectives: The Weekly Edition during the summer?  That’s the question many of you are asking yourselves this week as you log in incessantly, hour after hour, to our facebook page and our Perspectives page, looking for a new question and for new updates. We’re taking a break. That’s the short answer. The more
Today I’m thinking about summer… ahh summer… I remember very clearly, as if it was yesterday, the last day of school before the summer break – not sure why we even went to school that day, ’cause it was one big party. We would celebrate the end of the school year and then… hello freedom! more
So far we’ve looked at sin and at the reasons why the Sacrament requires that we confess to a priest. I know some of you still struggle with that. Perhaps going through the ritual will help a bit. Remember that every Sacrament has a ritual – but the Sacrament is not just the ritual. In more
Listening to these people on the streets in Whitehorse made me think a lot about why we celebrate fathers (and mothers) and why it’s important to do so. Not so much that I have to thank my own father for what he’s done for me, my brother and our sisters, what he sacrificed for us more
Last time we looked at sin: mortal sin and venial sin and the reason why we continue sinning even after Baptism. We all have a tendency to sin called concupiscence and so that’s why we need Grace to help us bring those disordered appetites into proper order. And I don’t think most people have a more
“Take your shoes off and leave them here. Proceed through this door. Leave your clothes, all your clothes in one of these shelves. Go through the shower. Wash well. On the other side you will find clean socks and coveralls. I’ll meet you on the other side.” With those words Wally, our faithful cameraman and more
Last week we went on a mission. Wally, the ever reliable cameraman, and I went with a group of students from St. Joan of Arc Catholic Secondary school in Mississauga, Ontario, on a mission trip to the Yukon. The plan was to spend the first two days at Camp Braeburn, north of Whitehorse helping get more
When our kids were younger, we received a CD from a friend in Alberta. Almost immediately this CD became the most-listened-to CD in our house. My kids wanted to listen to it every time we were in the car – not always great for the parents – however; when you have a CD titled “Mary more
So far we’ve had a brief look at Sacraments (Parts 1, 2, & 3) in general and more specifically at Baptism. Let’s continue with the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This is the Sacrament that we all called “Confession.” It is sometimes referred to as the Sacrament of “Penance,” as well. Remember that all Sacraments make Christ more