BLOG: Cheridan%20Sanders
Thought we’d dig this one out of our photo archives for you. It’s a snapshot of our visit to the Archdiocese of New York during our filming for The Church Alive series and Go and Teach documentary.This photo was taken after a fantastic interview with Cardinal Timothy Dolan, who is featured in both shows. Left more
Cheridan and Sebastian practice line-dancing on the set of The Church Alive. As we’re in the media business, we’re very much aware of how pictures shape perception.  Especially when it comes to telling the story of the Church.  A large part of the New Evangelization is about rethinking how our story is told. Whether we more
Cheridan Sanders interviews a young parishioner at the Mission of Our Lady of the Angels in Chicago, IL. Why don’t more people attend mass regularly? It’s something I ponder whenever I find myself surrounded by empty pews. Interestingly, the answer came to me when S+L camerman Dave LeRoss, producer Sebastian Gomes, and I were in more
During my research for the Church Alive series I came across this epic CNS file photo of Pope Paul VI and Cardinal Karol Wojtyla. The photo’s caption reads, “Paul VI, who served in Poland during his early priesthood, held the future Pope John Paul II in high regard.” Not only do they both look like more
“Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them.” Psalm 111:2 Do Monkeys Go to Heaven?  And by that I don’t mean you and me. Real monkeys, you know the ones that climb in trees or apparently pose for selfies (true story).  Well, that’s the question posed by more
A Reflection on how Fr. Michael McGivney was a model for the New Evangelization. more
Ever wonder where the idea for feathered caps came from? I recall my mother saying ‘that’s a feather in your cap’ to express an accomplishment. But, whenever she said it the first thing that came to mind was a pirate or buccaneer. Later I learnt these nefarious characters stole the idea from the landed gentry, more
You’re probably thinking I need to read a 75 page document about the upcoming Synod as much as I need a hole in the head. But bear with me, reading the full document is worthwhile. To give you some context – this “Instrumentum Laboris” or working document on the pastoral challenges of the Family is more
Pilgrims attend a prayer vigil at the ancient Circus Maximus in Rome April 30, 2011 the eve of the beatification of Pope John Paul II. Today April 27, 2014, Pope Francis will preside over the celebration which will declare both Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII saints. (CNS photo/Alessia Pierdomenico, Reuters) more
Pope John Paul II prays in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican. Paul John Paul died later that year on April 2, 2005. (CNS photo/Reuters) more