BLOG: Cheridan%20Sanders
Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and Michael Collins, accompanied by their wives, meet with Pope Paul VI at the Vatican Oct. 16, 1969. The pope called the Apollo 11 mission — the first time man reached the moon — a “sublime victory.” Photo description & credit: CNS more
On a recent trip to Edmonton, Alberta I spent some time at the Marian Centre. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the centre’s work, click here. During my time there, I learnt that there’s a term they use to describe the people they serve. They call them ‘Christophers’ in other words Christ-bearers. I more
CNS photo/L’Osservatore Romano via Reuters CNS description: Pope Benedict XVI speaks to astronauts on the International Space Station from the Vatican via a video link May 21, 2011. more
On the 3rd floor of the City Centre Mall in downtown, Edmonton you’ll find a vibrant faith community that worships daily at the St. Benedict chapel. Established in 2005, the chapel’s purpose is to make visible the presence of the Lord in the heart of the city. The 1,200 square foot chapel offers three daily more
CNS file photo Pope Paul VI watches the moon landing at Castelgandolfo on 21 July, 1969. more
CNS file photo CNS description: Archbishop Karol Wojtyla receives the cardinal’s red biretta from Pope Paul VI at the beginning of the consistory in the Sistine Chapel June 26, 1967. The future Pope John Paul II had a warm relationship with Pope Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini), who served as a priest in Warsaw in more
CNS file photo by W. H. Keeler CNS description: With rosary in hand, Pope John Paul II scans the crowd as his helicopter circles Colorado’s Cherry Creek State Park before the closing Mass for World Youth Day Aug. 15, 1993. “Place your intelligence, your talents, your enthusiasm, your compassion and your fortitude at the service more
Father Matthew-Anthony Hysell was ordained tonight at St. Joseph’s Basilica in Edmonton. Archbishop Richard Smith presided the joyous occasion. Father Hysell will celebrate his first mass at Providence Renewal Centre on Saturday morning, December 8, 2012. He is pictured here with David LeRoss and Cheridan Sanders of the Salt and Light team. Stay tuned to more
CNS file photo Pope John Paul II kisses a rain-soaked tarmac as he arrives in Jakarta, Indonesia, on a pastoral trip in 1989. more
Would not this council, then, which has concentrated principally on man, be destined to propose again to the world of today the ladder leading to freedom and consolation? Would it not be, in short, a simple, new and solemn teaching to love man in order to love God? To love man, we say, not as more