BLOG: Cheridan%20Sanders
On November 27th, the First Sunday of Advent, the new Roman Missal goes into effect. Apart from finding out what parts of the Mass will change, we dig deeper and find out how our liturgical celebration is enriched by the new translation. So we went straight to the source and invited the experts.  We engage more
Do we need modern media to proclaim the Good News? We have a duty to evangelize, but is there a wrong way to evangelize? Can modern media, such as Youtube and Facebook, effectively communicate the depth of revelation? Can a tweet bring you one step closer to an encounter with Jesus, the icon of the more
We return home on a spiritual high, confident and joyful. We’ve experienced the universal church; we know we are not alone. As we settle back into our routine, there is the temptation to live in the reverie of the moment but not do anything about it. Our response to the experience determines how receptive our more
After the WYD “high,” how do you continue to nourish the seeds of faith that were planted? That’s the question Pedro asks this week on Perspectives: The Weekly Edition. Joining him for the discussion is Neiman D’Souza, a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Toronto, and Jonathan Nix, coordinator of Youth Ministry at St. Bonaventure parish more
Pope Benedict XVI’s farewell address given at Lahr Airport: Mr President of the Federal Republic, Distinguished Representatives of the Federal Government, of Baden Württemburg and its Communities, Dear Brother Bishops, Ladies and Gentlemen, Before leaving Germany, I would like very much to thank you for these days, so moving and eventful, spent in my native more
The Holy Father reminds those Catholics working in the Church and society of the origins of the Church’s mission: the triune God, in the mystery of divine love. The Church finds her meaning solely in being a tool for salvation, in filling the world with God’s word, and in transforming the world by bringing it more
Holy Father’s Angelus address at Freiburg Airport: Dear Brothers and Sisters! At the end of this solemn celebration of holy Mass we now pray the Angelus together.  This prayer constantly reminds us of the historical beginnings of our salvation.  The Archangel Gabriel presents God’s plan of salvation to the Virgin Mary, by which she was more
The Homily of the Holy Father at Holy Mass in Freiburg: Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is moving for me to be here once again to celebrate this Eucharist, this Thanksgiving, with so many people from different parts of Germany and the neighbouring countries.  We offer our thanks above all to God, in whom we more
Today Pope Benedict XVI met with the Council of the Central Committee of German Catholics: Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am grateful for this opportunity to come together, here in Freiburg, with you, the Council Members of the Central Committee for German Catholics (ZdK). I gladly express to you my appreciation for your work in more
Pope Benedict’s words to young people at the prayer vigil in Freiburg, Germany: Dear young friends, Throughout today I have been looking forward to this evening, and to this opportunity to be together with you and to join you in prayer. No doubt some of you were present at World Youth Day, where we were more