BLOG: Salt%20and%20Light%20Media
As the proceedings of the first session of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops draw to a close, we want to thank God with all of you for the beautiful and enriching experience we have lived. more
The XVI General Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of the Bishops is happening at the Paul VI Audience Hall at the Vatican. Among the over 400 participants at the Synod are participants from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. more
We join the Holy Father in praying for the Church, that she may adopt listening and dialogue as a lifestyle at every level, and allow herself to be guided by the Holy Spirit towards the peripheries of the world. more
On September 30th, Pope Francis will hold a consistory for the creation of new Cardinals. more
I thank the Parish Priest for his words, and greet all of you, especially the friends of the Centro Paroquial da Serafina of the Casa Famiglia Ajuda de Berço and the Associazione Acreditar. more
The Holy Father’s Apostolic Visit to Canada: Looking Back One Year Later
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
July 26, 2023
Press Release: Today, we remember that a year ago, His Holiness Pope Francis came to Canada to undertake a “penitential pilgrimage.” more
We join the Holy Father in praying for Catholics to place the celebration of the Eucharist at the heart of their lives. more
For twenty years we have made your hope our mission. From Papal visits, to World Youth Day coverage, to inspiring stories from countries around the globe, it brings us such joy to fill your homes with uplifting Catholic media. more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' homily for Pentecost Sunday, given in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican on May 28, 2023. more
Thanks to dialogue with Indigenous peoples, “the Church has acquired a greater awareness of  their sufferings, past and present, due to the expropriation of their lands … as well as the  policies of forced assimilation, promoted by the governmental authorities of the time, intended to eliminate their Indigenous cultures,” according to a “Joint Statement” issued by the Dicastery  for Culture and Education and the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, and published on Thursday. more