BLOG: Salt and Light Media〈uage=en
Sam Sorich is one of the Salt and Light family members who works behind the cameras and in the editing suites. Sam is a film buff with theological formation and he likes to combine the two whenever he can.  Sam recently saw the film “To the Wonder” and offers this reflection. “To the Wonder” will more
– Drawing of Pope Francis courtesy Graphic News The following article appeared on the RNS (Religion News Service) on May 24, 2013. It might look that way from the eye-catching headlines this week that made it appear everyone was bound for heaven — “even atheists!” — thanks to Jesus’ death on the cross. The passage more
Prayer of his Holiness Benedict XVI To our Lady of Sheshan on the Occasion of the World Day of Prayer for the Church in China (24 May 2008) more
On Saturday, May 18, Pope Francis celebrated the vigil of the feast of Pentecost at St. Peter’s Square with members of New Movements. Aside from leading a prayer service, the Holy Father also took part in a question and answer session with members of these movements. Below is a report from Vatican Radio about that more
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today we contemplate and re-live in the liturgy the outpouring of the Holy Spirit sent by the risen Christ upon his Church; an event of grace which filled the Upper Room in Jerusalem and then spread throughout the world. But what happened on that day, so distant from us and yet more
This weekend, 120,000 members of lay movements and ecclesial associations are gathering in Rome to celebrate Pentecost and the Year of Faith. Around 150 different groups from around the world are registered for the events. Under the slogan, “I Believe! Increase our Faith”, the pilgrimage begins at the tomb of St. Peter on Saturday morning. more
This past week Cardinal Christoph Schonborn of Vienna participated in the Leadership Conference at Holy Trinity Brompton, an Anglican parish in the heart of downtown London. Cardinal Schoenborn’s presentation was more of a Question and Answer session with Holy Trinity pastor Nicky Gumbel. He spoke about Christian Unity, Pope Francis, the Conclave, and was also more
On Thursday May 17, 2013, Pope Francis met with the ambassadors of Kyrgystan, Antigua and Barbuda, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and Botswana. Below is the full text of his address to the ambassadors, which focused on the need for ethics, especially in relation to the financial crisis. Your Excellencies, I am pleased to receive more
The Early Renaissance is considered one of the most crucial and dynamic periods in Western art history. Wealthy 14th-century Florentine citizens commissioned extravagant works of art, spurring artists to explore new materials and innovate new artistic techniques. In a type of new evangelization of their era, these artists also turned to the New Testament stories more
Below is the full text of a pastoral letter written by Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk  to all Ukranian Greek Catholic faithful. The topic of the letter is The Vibrant Parish – A place to encounter the living Christ. On this occasion I wish to emphasize that all the members of our Church have a personal responsibility more