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The conclave has chosen to elect 76 year old Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio. He has chosen the name Pope Francis. Watch coverage live at more
Habemus Papam! At approximately 7:13pm (Rome time) on Wednesday March 13, 2013, the world has witnessed white smoke! Follow everything live at more
As many of you already know, Salt and Light producer Sebastian Gomes is currently in Rome covering the Papal Transition. Recently he was interviewed by Vatican Radio about conclaves, media and evangelization. Below find the article: (Vatican Radio) The unprecedented resignation of Benedict XVI and subsequent conclave to elect a new Holy Father have sparked more
S+L Producer Sebastian Gomes speaks with Greg Burke – an American journalist from St. Louis and now the Senior Communications Advisor to the Vatican Secretary of State about what its like to be one of the people closest to the engine room. more
What can we expect from a new pope? That’s been the question on everyone’s mind, and has featured prominently in recent media coverage of the upcoming papal election. Kris Dmytrenko and guests Dr. Josephine Lombardi, Fr. Frank Portelli, and Matthew Sanders discuss what the real story is behind the pope, what his office entails, and more
If you joined us earlier this morning, you saw a spectacular liturgy from inside St. Peter’s Basilica. During this Mass, called the Pro Eligendo Romano Pontifice Mass, the cardinals prayed for the election of a new Supreme Pontiff. Salt + Light will continue its in-depth analysis and reporting throughout the coming days. We will be more
Earlier this morning at the Vatican, the College of Cardinals gathered inside St. Peter’s Basilica for a Pro Eligendo Romano Pontifice Mass. This Mass was the final step before the opening of today’s conclave. Published below is an official translation of the homily, as delivered by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, main celebrant and Dean of the more
More than 6,000 journalists and news agencies have applied for temporary accreditation to the Holy See Press Office for the conclave.  All of them are plugged into the headquarters of the Catholic Church, trying to get a better understanding of what is going on inside the walls of Vatican city.  One of the people closest more
Over the past few days in our mini-blog series, Getting to Habemus Papam we invited you to remember the conclaves which have elected the Popes of the past two centuries. In fact, we went one step further and thought you might also enjoy using this timeline to browse your way back and forth through the more
Benedict XVI 2 days, 4 ballots Pope Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger was elected at 78 years old. There were 115 cardinals in the conclave which took place from April 18- 19, 2005.  Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation on February 11, 2013. His resignation went into effect on February 28, 2013. CNS photo more