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The divorce process is always painful because you are ending a life with someone with whom you shared everything. How does the Church support those who are going through such a difficult time? On this episode of Perspectives: The Weekly Edition, Pedro and his guests Lisa Duffy, author of the book Divorced Catholics: Now What? more
  This post comes to us from Fr. James Phalan, CSC, director of Family Rosary International. He wrote this during a recent visit to Africa. Saturday afternoon in a farming village outside of Jinja, Uganda: our host was pleading with his wife to give up her ancestor worship and sacrifices to evil spirits so as more
Tonight on Perspectives: Patriarch Fouad Twal asks Catholics to fast for peace in the Middle East this lent. The Catholic Pontifical University of Peru has to change its statutes in order to keep it’s Catholic university status, and today people around the world mark Shrove Tuesday. more
The time has finally come! After countless interviews and extensive coverage, Archbishop Thomas Collins of Toronto was formally inducted into the College of Cardinals at a public consistory earlier today. Collins is now the 16th Cardinal in Canadian history. As you can see in the video above, Archbishop Collins was called forward by Pope Benedict more
This morning in St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Benedict created 22 new Cardinals at an Ordinary Public Consistory. Included among them was the Archbishop of Toronto, Cardinal Thomas Collins. During his address, the Holy Father told the new Cardinals that the scarlet colour of their robes and birettas is a symbol of martyrdom. Like Christ, and more
  This week on Perspectives: The Weekly Edition, Pedro assembles his parenting panel, Patrick Douglas, Gillian Kantor and Jason Gennaro, to discuss how Catholic parents should discipline their kids and also give some helpful suggestions. more
This week on Perspectives: The Weekly Edition, Pedro assembles his parenting panel, Patrick Douglas, Gillian Kantor and Jason Gennaro, to discuss how Catholic parents should discipline their kids and also give some helpful suggestions. Due to the Consistory for New Cardinals, we will be airing a special Friday edition of Perspectives Daily at 7:00 pm ET / more
Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Lenten season offers us once again an opportunity to reflect upon the very heart of Christian life: charity. This is a favourable time to renew our journey of faith, both as individuals and as a community, with the help of the word of God and the sacraments. This journey is more
Tonight on Perspectives the Holy Father sends a message to the faithful for lent, and we take a look at events across the country. more
Tonight on Perspectives: a look at Pope Benedict’s weekly general audience, we remember Cardinal Anthony Bevilaqua of Philadelphia who passed away last night and give you a sneak peak at our latest film “Across the Divide” about Bethlehem University. more