BLOG: Salt and Light Media〈uage=en
Tonight on Perspectives: The Holy Father presides over a solemn liturgy for cardinals and bishops who have died in the course of the year and we introduce you to the world of creche. more
Tonight on Perspectives: Talks between the Vatican and Society of Pius X might not be going as well as hoped and the faithful commemorate All Souls’ Day around the world. more
Tonight on Perspectives: Find out which Canadians are visiting the Vatican this month. Plus, there’s good news for Canadians living on the east coast. more
Tonight on Perspectives: The Occupy movement has spread well beyond Wall Street and now Vancouver’s Cathedral is being targeted. Also, the head of the Catholic Church in Ukraine says that Soviet-era justice is putting the innocent behind bars. more
One of the Church’s best messengers, Fr. Robert Barron was recently invited to Toronto to deliver the 2011 John M. Kelly Lecture in Theology. The lecture, sponsored by the University of St. Michael’s College, took place in St. Basil’s Church. Fr. Barron’s insightful talk is now streaming online. Fr. Barron is widely known as an more
Tonight on Perspectives: Leaders of different faiths gather in Assisi to pray for peace and justice. Plus, we take a look at what’s happening across the country. more
Here is Pope Benedict XVI’s speech in the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Assisi, Italy, before representatives of the world’s religions and non-believers: Dear Brothers and Sisters, Distinguished Heads and Representatives of Churches, Ecclesial Communities and World Religions, Dear Friends, Twenty-five years have passed since Blessed Pope John Paul II first invited representatives more
  Tonight on Perspectives: We look ahead to tomorrow’s live coverage of Assisi and officials at the Vatican talk global reform. more
Twenty-five years ago, John Paul II joined leaders of other world religions for a historic encounter in Assisi, Italy. Tomorrow, his successor makes his own journey to the town of St. Francis for the “Day of Reflection, Dialogue and Prayer for Peace and Justice”. Benedict XVI typically travels by plane, but tomorrow he will be more
Tonight on Perspectives: Benedict XVI canonizes three new saints and makes some important appointments for the next Synod of Bishops. We also take a look back at the Canadian Bishops’ Plenary Assembly. more