BLOG: Carissa Douglas
Few might know the name Élodie Paradis, but many know the name Mother Marie-Léonie. She was a Marianite Sister of Holy Cross and founder of the Little Sisters of the Holy Family and today is her feast day. Elodie was born May 12 1840 in L’Acadie, Lower Canada, the only daughter among the six children of more
Dublin, Ireland will host the 50th International Eucharistic Congress, June 10-17th, 2012. This is the second time Ireland will host the Universal Church, the last time being in 1932. Join host Cheridan Eygelaar as she speaks with Father Kevin Doran, Secretary General of IEC 2012, about the Congress that celebrates the summit and source of more
The “Memorare” prayer was first introduced to me by one of my confessors and it was always part of my penance no matter how short or long my confession was (trust me, some of them were quite long!). I eventually learned the prayer by heart. Today the Memorare prayer has a special place in my more
Pilgrims attending this year’s International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin, Ireland will experience the Congress in a completely new way with the aid of technology. The Congress organizers recently launched a free iPhone and iPad App designed exclusively for Congress pilgrims. Dominican Friar Luuk Dominiek Jansen designed the App to include a pilgrim guide, a pastoral more
The month of May – the month the church dedicated to Mary – serves as a good excuse to get familiar with Marian devotions around the world, Marian artwork, and most importantly what we can learn about Christ and our faith by looking at Mary. Once again we turn to our friend Fr. Jim Phalan, more
This past Sunday was the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. For many of us, the image of a priest or religious comes to mind when we say ‘vocation’ but there’s also the permanent diaconate. Meet these great men, who’ve said yes to the call to serve. Host Pedro Guevara Mann explores the permanent diaconate. more
Tonight on Perspectives: Canada has a new bishop in Quebec, a traveling exhibit of relics helps us better understand the saints, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales talks about how the internet can be a model for dialogue and peacemaking, and we take a look at the vocation to the single life. more
Today we remember the beatification of John Paul II. As with everything related to John Paul II, everyone has a memory and a story related to this day. One year ago I was living in Madrid, working for World Youth Day. The announcement of his beatification was made on January 14. I had just arrived more
Join us in prayer for the intentions entrusted to us by Pope Benedict XVI. For May 2012, we join the Holy Father in praying for: The Family. That initiatives which defend and uphold the role of the family may be promoted within society. Mary, Guide of Missionaries. That Mary, Queen of the World and Star more
Tonight on Perspecitves: Pope Benedict XVI ordains new priests in Rome, Archbishop Christian Lépine officially begins his ministry in Montreal, as we look at the vocation of the priesthood. more