BLOG: Carissa Douglas
As Catholics we all know we have an obligation to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, but does anyone stop to think what this means? Does it make sense nowadays to give up meat? Lent is a period when the Catholic Church reflects on the mystery of Christ. As He went in to more
This evening, Pope Benedict XVI said farewell to Cuba at José Martí International Airport, Havana, Cuba as he concluded his 6 day apostolic visit to Mexico and Cuba. Find the full text of the Holy Father’s farewell address below. I thank God for allowing me to visit this beautiful Isle which left so deep a mark more
Memorable quotes from Day 3 of Pope Benedict’s apostolic voyage to Cuba. “The truth is a desire of the human person, the search for which always supposes the exercise of authentic freedom. Many, however, prefer shortcuts, trying to avoid this task. Some, like Pontius Pilate, ironically question the possibility of even knowing what truth is more
Today Pope Benedict XVI celebrated Holy Mass at “Plaza de la Revolución” in Havana, Cuba to commemorate the Jubilee Year devoted to Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre. Please find the full text of his homily below. Dear Brothers and Sisters, “Blessed are you, Lord God…, and blessed is your holy and glorious name” more
Earlier today in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, Pope Benedict XVI visited the Shrine of the “Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre”. At the shrine he made the following address. Dear Brothers and Sisters, I have come as a pilgrim to the house of the blessed statue of Our Lady of Charity, la Mambisa as you more
14 years after Bl. John Paul II’s trip to Cuba, Pope Benedict XVI celebrated mass tonight on Cuban soil to commemorate the 400 year anniversary of the discovery of the image of the “Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre”. Below find a clip of the Holy Father’s homily. Please find the full text of his more
On a recent episode of Catholic Focus, we tackled the issue of prostitution and the ongoing legal challenge to Ontario’s laws related to the sex trade. Today, a Court of Appeal reaffirmed parts of Justice Susan Himel’s controversial 2010 ruling that struck down three of those laws. In summary, the court agreed with Justice Himel more
The Holy Father’s address given today at Antonio Maceo International Airport, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Below find the full text of Pope Benedict’s arrival address. Thank you, Mr President, for your welcome and your kind words, with which you also conveyed the sentiments of respect of the Cuban government and people for the Successor of more
Today the Holy Father said farewell to Mexico at the International Airport of Guanajuato, Leon, Mexico. Thousands gathered to say goodbye to their beloved Pope. Below find the full text of his farewell address. My brief but intense visit to Mexico is now coming to an end. Yet this is not the end of my more
The most fundamental question about human existence is where do we come from? Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution has supplied a scientific explanation for nearly two centuries. The Catholic Church, while always maintaining belief in a creator, has accepted evolution as “”more than a theory”” but not as a wholesale explanation for the mystery of more