BLOG: Carlos Ferreira
After a full week of sessions in the General Assembly of the 13th Ordinary Synod of Bishops, most of the official interventions have been shared.  They are scheduled to wrap up by the end of the day on Tuesday.  It has been an exciting, though mentally exhausting period, as each of the Synod Fathers is more
Today Cardinal Dolan briefs the English speaking media, Sebastian Gomes talks to a methodist bishop who is a Fraternal Delegate at the Synod, and we focus on South Africa in Today’s World segment. more
Our host Alicia Ambrosio brings you a recap of what happened in the synod hall, and from our team in Rome interviews with Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Cardinal George Pell, and Florence De Leyritz from the Catholic board for the Alpha Course. more
We’re finally here! After months of travelling, shooting, scripting and editing, our newest S+L series is now live for the whole world to see. Last night, we launched the premiere of our NEW 15-part series, The Church Alive, on our network. Our pilot episode was filmed, on location, at CBC in Toronto, Canada. The Church more
Join host Alicia Ambrosio for tonight’s edition of Inside the Synod. more
St. Peter’s Square – October 11, 2012 Below is Pope Benedict’s Homily from the inaugral mass for the Year of Faith and celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council. Dear Brother Bishops, Dear brothers and sisters! Today, fifty years from the opening of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, we begin with great more
Vatican Radio – At the conclusion of the Mass to celebrate the anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople addressed Pope Benedict XVI and the Bishops and Faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square. In his remarks, Patriarch Bartholomew – the “primus inter pares”, the “first among more
S+L’s Kris Dmytrenko is walking  the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage in Spain. He may write regular updates for the blog, or he may not until he reaches the end–as the spirit (and wifi availability) leads him. It was an appropriate start to my pilgrimage, which will take me along an ancient route in Spain called more
Retired US bishop William McNaughton arrives for Mass at St. Peter’s Square. Bishop McNaughton attended all four sessions of the Second Vatican Council. Recalling the original procession in 1962 he told Catholic News Service “Because television cameras from all over the world were taking pictures, all the lights were on in the basilica. I thought more
Castel Gandolfo, on the Feast of Saint Eusebius, Bishop of Vercelli – August 2, 2012 Benedictus PP. XVI Source: Fifty years ago, on October 11, 1962, Pope John XXIII opened the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council in St Peter’s Basilica It was a splendid day on 11 October 1962 when the Second Vatican Council opened with the more