BLOG: Deacon Ed Shoener
Pictured above is our very own Fr. Thomas Rosica, C.S.B., English Language Media Attaché for the Synod of Bishops, along with Salt + Light’s Sebastian Gomes and Charles Le Bourgeois. They are joined by the entire Zenit News Agency team of Foreign Language editors who are based in Rome. This photo was taken immediately following more
  Jesuit Father Marko Rupnik is renowned for his stunning mosaics.  His bold, colourful icons bridge Eastern and Western traditions in a jubilant mix of art that is both new and ancient.  In fact, in 1993 when Pope John Paul II saw his work he was so taken that he invited Fr. Rupnik to decorate more
In January 2009, we began using the above image as Salt + Light made a move to radio. Thanks to the invitation of The Catholic Channel on satellite radio, Salt + Light began producing S+L Radio, a weekly one-hour long radio show, featuring interviews, music, news updates, and event listings. This year, as we launched more
Today marks the beginning of our NEW series entitled, “Inside the Synod.” Join Alicia Ambrosio throughout the month of October for daily updates, interviews and reactions from the Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization in Rome. Our first episode airs tonight on our network at 11pm Eastern, 8pm Pacific. Stay tuned to Salt + more
Pope Benedict XVI made a pastoral visit earlier today to the Marian Shrine of Loreto, in Italy. There, he entrusted the upcoming Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization and the Year of Faith to the Blessed Mother. Published below is a copy of the homily he delivered during Mass at the Shrine of Loreto. more
This photos comes from Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s Twitter feed. To mark the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, Cardinal Dolan blessed animals that have been rescued from shelters. He is joined by Jane Hoffman of the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC Animals. more
From the Office of daily readings for October 4th, the Memorial of St. Francis of Assisi. From a letter written to all the faithful by St Francis of Assisi It was through his archangel, Saint Gabriel, that the Father above made known to the holy and glorious Virgin Mary that the worthy, holy and glorious more
Jesuit Father Marko Rupnik is renowned for his stunning mosaics.  His bold, colourful icons bridge Eastern and Western traditions in a jubilant mix of art that is both new and ancient.  In fact, in 1993 when Pope John Paul II saw his work he was so taken that he invited Fr. Rupnik to decorate the Redemptoris more
Today’s photo, appropriately themed, is of a Vatican court room. Three lay judges preside over the hearing. Vatican trials are generally held on Saturdays because the judges actually work Monday to Friday as Italian lawyers, judges, or law professors. more
The last several months, the phrase “The New Evangelization” has come up in many different spheres here in our Salt + Light office. I cannot comprehensively cover all the ins and outs of our efforts on this – as this is in some sense what we do everyday! What I will say is that this more