BLOG: Deacon Eric Gurash
In anticipation of the Jubilee of 2025, Pope Francis has called upon us to rediscover the importance of prayer. So, what does it mean to live a life of prayer, and how can it be done in 2024? more
During a recent visit to the Co-cathedral of St. Anthony of Padua in Longueuil, my steps led me to a small, discreet chapel in the right transept, bathed in subdued light and imbued with an aura of serenity. more
We will conclude this cycle of catechesis by looking at a virtue which is not part of the seven cardinal and theological virtues, but which is at the base of Christian life: this virtue is humility. more
The account of Pentecost (cf. Acts 2:1-11) shows us two areas of the Holy Spirit’s working in the Church: in us and in mission, with two characteristics: power and gentleness. more
A few weeks ago, I attended the “Grand Opening” event of a new Buddhist Temple recently constructed in my north Edmonton neighbourhood. more
Today we will talk about the third theological virtue, charity. The other two, let us remember, were faith and hope: today we will talk about the third, charity. more
Mary's fiat is at once an act of humility and an act of courage and agency. She hears God's summons, through the Angel Gabriel, to bear the Saviour of the world. more
In this month of May, Pope Francis invites us to pray for the formation of religious and seminarians; so that religious women and men, and seminarians, grow in their own vocations through their human, pastoral, spiritual and community formation, leading them to be credible witnesses to the Gospel. more
In the last catechesis we began to reflect on the theological virtues. There are three of them: faith, hope, and charity. Last time, we reflected on faith. Now it is the turn of hope. more
1 Million Roses for Mary
May 7, 2024
The Hozana association, which specializes in online prayer programs, asked itself how to thank the Blessed Virgin for all the love and graces she bestows on humankind, how to give her a gift worthy of her love for the world? more