BLOG: Fr. Peter Skudra
Pope Benedict’s words to young people at the prayer vigil in Freiburg, Germany: Dear young friends, Throughout today I have been looking forward to this evening, and to this opportunity to be together with you and to join you in prayer. No doubt some of you were present at World Youth Day, where we were more
The following is the Homily of the Holy Father given at Holy Mass in Erfurt, Cathedral Square: Dear Brothers and Sisters, “Praise the Lord at all times, for he is good.”  These are the words that we sang just before the Gospel.  Yes, we truly have reason to thank God with our whole hearts.  If more
Where do you draw the line on pornography? That’s the question Pedro asks this week on Perspectives Weekly. Joining him for the discussion is Robert Borys, Author of Love, Marriage and– Pornography? The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines pornography as an offense against chasity, under article 2354: Pornography consists in removing real or simulated more
Huge crowds gathered to join the Holy Father as he celebrated Vespers of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Below find his words to the thousands of German faithful gathered at Etzelsbach: Dear Brothers and Sisters, Now I am able to fulfill my wish to visit Eichsfeld, and here in Etzelsbach to thank Mary in company with more
This morning the Holy Father met with the Council of the Evangelical Germany Church in Erfurt, in a former Augustinian Convent. A historic moment as this place is where Martin Luther was ordained a Catholic priest in 1507. Ladies and Gentlemen, As I begin to speak, I would like first of all to thank you more
Following his speech at the German lower parliamentarians, Pope Benedict XVI  met with Representatives of the Jewish Community. The Holy Father remembered the Shoah: “Today, I find myself in a central place of remembrance, the appalling remembrance that it was from here that the Shoah, the annihilation of our Jewish fellow citizens in Europe, was more
Today at 6pm, Pope Benedict arrived at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin for the first Celebration of the Holy Eucharist of this year’s visit to Germany. After arriving and the traditional drive-through, the Holy Father was welcomed by the Mayor of Berlin, Klaus Wowereit. The Stadium was filled to capacity, with some 70,000 people in more
Today, Thursday, September 22, Pope Benedict began his first State Visit to Germany with a visit to the Bundestag, the lower house of Parliament. This is the third time that a Pope addresses a Federal Parliament: Pope John Paul II addressed the Parliaments in Warsaw and in Rome. The Holy Father reminds German politicians that more
Pope Benedict arrived in his native journey this morning. Salt + Light’s coverage (on TV and streaming online) of the four-day papal visit begins today at 10:00am ET. Today’s schedule is below: Highlights of Pope Benedict’s arrival at the Berlin Tegel International Airport, including the Welcome Ceremony at Bellevue Castle 10:00am – 10:15am ET / more
Pope Benedict XVI arrived in Germany this morning. During the welcoming ceremony, attended by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Christian Wulff, the Holy Father said he had “not come primarily to pursue particular political or economic goals … but rather to meet people and to  speak about God.” Mr President of the Federal Republic, Ladies more