Just because we’re in quarantine doesn’t mean we can’t continue to show God’s love to those around us. Here are 15 acts of kindness you can do right now. ...read more
This week in our Mass readings from the Book of Acts, we see the work of the Holy Spirit increasing. What does this tell us about our power to do good? ...read more
Deacon Pedro Guevara-Mass speaks with Archbishop Murray Chatlain about how the restrictions related to COVID-19 are affecting people in Canada's North. ...read more
The Mass readings for this Sunday were written long ago, and yet they ring true for us today. What words of comfort and mission can we take away from them? ...read more
Read Marc's story of a 90-day journey of self-denial and spiritual enrichment that drew him closer to his friends, his family, and the Lord. ...read more
This week of Easter, we begin reading the Acts of the Apostles at Mass, a book that shows us that where there is disoder, there is also harmony - and hope. ...read more
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