BLOG: Fr. Raphael Ma, CR
Pope Francis is in Colombia! Salt + Light will provide you full and live coverage (more information here) plus, you can follow along with the official Missal for his Apostolic Journey to Colombia! Download here. more
“I invite all Colombians, without distinction, to joyfully welcome the visit of Pope Francis. He comes to bring us a message of peace, that peace that we are all called to build from hearts open to forgiveness, to reconciliation and solidarity.” These were the words of Cardinal Rubén Salazar, Archbishop of Bogotá, upon the announcement more
Some of you would say that friends stick together; they are loyal. Last week we looked a trust and gossiping and I shared a real handy formula for knowing when to say or not to say something to a friend or about a friend- this is especially helpful in this day and age of social more
Join us in prayer for the intentions entrusted to us by Pope Francis. For September 2017, we join the Holy Father in praying for: Parishes – That our parishes, animated by a missionary spirit, may be places where faith is communicated and charity is seen. Daily Offering Prayer God, our Father, I offer You my more
In this video, Fr. Rob Galea lists five things for Christians to do to deal with stress. Follow Fr. Rob Galea! Social Media: @FrRobGalea more
Below is the joint message of Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on the occasion of the World Day of Prayer for Creation on September 1, 2017. The story of creation presents us with a panoramic view of the world. Scripture reveals that, “in the beginning”, God intended humanity to cooperate in the preservation and more
The Holy Father welcomed a delegation of Rabbis at the Vatican on Thursday. They gave him a document titled “Between Jerusalem and Rome”, on relations between Catholics and Jews, and he delivered a short address. Pope Francis also sent a telegram to the Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, Daniel DiNardo, offering his prayers for the victims of more
In his weekly catechesis this Wednesday, the Holy Father reflects on what it means to have a searching heart, a restless heart. It allows Jesus to come in and ignite one’s life. At the end of the General Audience he announced his joint appeal with the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew I on the occasion more
It’s official: Pope Francis will travel to Myanmar and Bangladesh at the end of November. And we take a closer look at the Pope’s recent address on liturgical reform, declaring Vatican II’s reforms “irreversible”. more
Last week in Chicago Illinois, Catholic leaders from the United States, Canada and Mexico, gathered together to participate in the J.S. Paluch Company’s yearly vocations seminar. This year it was titled “Creating a Culture of Vocations: Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going” more