BLOG: Michael Carrera
Read the full text of Pope Francis' homily for World Day of the Poor, exploring the Parable of the Talents. more
Christ the Bridegroom is searching for us. Are we ready to be found? A reflection for the Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time. more
In our Catholic tradition, we have four feasts celebrating the dedication of churches in Rome. Deacon Pedro explains why. more
In this time in our world, when fear is at its height, wisdom suffers greatly. How are we called to be attentive to its voice? more
What is love? In this new series, Julian Paparella explores love in everyday life in light of God's love for us and our call to love one another. more
What areas of your life are you clinging tightly to? Perhaps it's time to learn from the leaves and let go. more
How often do you think about death? Purgatory? Hell? Deacon Pedro walks us through what the Church teaches about what happens after this life. more
Join us for the 41st Annual Cardinal’s Dinner – A Virtual Evening on November 5, 2020, at 7:00 pm ET. Find out more details here. more
Does the Book of Revelation only seem to point to a distant, scary future? Think again. A reflection for the Solemnity of All Saints. more
Saving liberalism from itself
Fr. Damian Howard, SJ
October 27, 2020
Fr. Damian Howard, Provincial of the Jesuits in Britain, shares his views on Pope Francis' new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti. more