BLOG: Pope Francis
Can you imagine God appearing to you in a dream and telling you to ask for anything – that He would give you anything you want? What would you ask for? more
More than words | Word Alive
Carissa Douglas
July 17, 2020
In this reflection for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Carissa Douglas tells a moving story about a time when prayer could not be expressed in words. more
Deacon Pedro concludes his exploration of lessons he has learned during this time of the COVID Spring with a final reflection on hope. more
There is love and hope in a Word that constantly goes forth, constantly sows seeds, constantly draws life forward out of that which was lifeless. A reflection for the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A. more
Marie Anne Torres shares 7 important lessons from the classic spiritual text, Finding God’s Will for You by St. Francis de Sales. more
Deacon Pedro continues deacon-structing lessons from the COVID Spring by exploring how this experience has been like time spent in a desert. more
Lo, your king comes to you | Word Alive
Lawrence Laffont
July 3, 2020
A reflection for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A more
In this final episode, the Primate of Canada, Cardinal Gérald Cyprien Lacroix, speaks about how COVID-19 has affected the Church in Canada. more
Jesus’ prayer for unity | One Body
Julien Hammond
June 30, 2020
Jesus' prayer for the unity of his disciples in John's Gospel gives us the key to how we should approach the search for unity among all Christians. more
Read Pope Francis' homily on the important lessons of unity and prophecy that we can learn from the Apostles Peter and Paul on their joint feast day. more