BLOG: Pope Francis
It's not a coincidence that COVID affected our lives during Lent and Easter - when the northern hemisphere experiences spring. What can we learn from this? more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' homily for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), given on June 14, 2020. more
“Stretch forth your hand to the poor.” Read Pope Francis' message for the fourth World Day of the Poor, on November 15, 2020. more
Self-Giving. Surrender. Love. More surrender. Much more. Corpus Christi teaches us the true meaning of self-giving. more
Deacon Pedro Guevara-Mann speaks with Archbishop Michael Miller, CSB, of Vancouver about re-opening churches and resuming Masses. more
In 1799, two monks were killed while defending the Eucharist. What can we take from the witness of Eucharistic martyrs to inform our own faith lives? more
Together we pray for our brothers and sisters who are affected by racial discrimination and injustice, especially members of the Black community. more
Today, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) issued a statement in response to the tragic event of 25 May 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. more
God’s love is the source of everything, and it is that love which we celebrate on Trinity Sunday. What does that mean for us personally and as a community? more
10 Catholic youth from around the world share the big things and little things that are igniting hope in their hearts during the coronavirus pandemic. more