BLOG: Pope Francis
Read Pope Francis' homily at Kaunas, Lithuania, in which he speaks of Christian suffering and solidarity with the "little ones" of this world. more
Join Deacon Pedro in this in-depth exploration of the Mass, as he enters into an examination and explanation of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' inspiring message to the young people of Lithuania. more
Read Pope Francis' address in which he recalls the suffering of the Lithuanian people and praises their tolerance, hospitality, respect, and solidarity. more
On the anniversary of the death of Henri Nouwen, the beloved spiritual writer, S+L shares some resources in celebration of this remarkable man's legacy. more
What do the actors Bela Lugosi, Christian Bale, and Ewan McGregor have in common? Find out here on the Weekly News Round-Up! more
Watch Pope Francis' video message to V Encuentro, the Fifth National Meeting of the Hispano-Latin Pastoral Care in the United States. more
Read Allyson Kenny's review of Dawn Eden's book on using the example of the saints to find healing, not just for sexual abuse, but for all wounds. more
Watch this exclusive interview with Fr. Andrzej Halemba from Aid to the Church in Need on the situation of Christians in the Middle East. more
Deacon Pedro continues his exploration of the Liturgy of the Word by looking at what happens after the proclamation of the Gospel. more