BLOG: Pope Francis
Joseph reflects on how his family’s Christmas celebrations evolved over the years and what that evolution revealed to him about celebrating Christ’s birth. more
I have been blessed not to have had any major experiences with illness, death or suffering, although, as all of us, I have had my share of pain. I’d like to conclude with four insights that I have learned about suffering. First, I remember an experience I had several years ago at the L’Arche Daybreak more
Growing up on the West Coast, David rarely experienced a white Christmas. He shares his memories of rainy Christmases in Vancouver and reveals what his parents did to keep Christmas commercialism at bay in the LeRoss household. more
Yesterday we looked at the work of deacons, in the context of the voice of illness. Yesterday was the Feast of the Holy Innocents. These were the baby boys that were massacred by King Herod when the Magi did not return to him to tell him the whereabouts of the newborn Messiah (Matthew 2:13-18). It made more
Christmas of 1989 was a moment of tension. The eyes of the world were on Panama as paramilitary troops ruled the streets and American troops entered to restore order and oust the nation’s leader. Pedro was in Panama that Christmas. He remembers what that Christmas was like and why it was so rich spiritually. more
Bosco Chan is a Volunteer with Fountain of Love and Life, Salt + Light’s Chinese production divison. In this installment of the 12 Days of Christmas Bosco talks about a particularly memorable Christmas Eve he spent in Hong Kong as a child. more
In the first part, we defined the voice of illness as the voice inside all of us that cries out ‘where is God?’ In Part two we began looking at the work of pastoral ministers and the tension between being and doing. When I look at scripture, Jesus never shied away from healing anyone (at more
A member of Salt + Light’s French production department, Sr. Marie Noelle Chaumette is Xaverian sister from Paris, France. She shares her experiences, both as a youth in Paris and as a religious sister is the south of France and Montreal, creating a sense of family in the unlikeliest of places at Christmas. more
Yesterday we looked at suffering as the ‘voice of illness.’ This is the voice inside all of us that cries out, ‘where is God?’ When faced with suffering, it is my tendency (and I believe part of our human nature) to comfort and to take away the pain. This is my first struggle as I meditate on more