BLOG: Pope Francis
It’s been about two years now that we Vatican observers have been covering the new translation of the Roman Missal. It was in April of 2010 that I had a chance to talk to Archbishop Terrence Prendergast of Ottawa when he was in Rome for one of the final meetings of Vox Clara (the commission more
Tonight on Perspectives: The Holy Father presides over a solemn liturgy for cardinals and bishops who have died in the course of the year and we introduce you to the world of creche. more
Tonight on Perspectives: Talks between the Vatican and Society of Pius X might not be going as well as hoped and the faithful commemorate All Souls’ Day around the world. more
Yesterday we looked at the Book of Revelation and how it is a powerful reminder to those who too easily compromise their beliefs. This message is clear right from the beginning of the book with the letters to the seven churches. After the letters to the seven churches, and after the first vision of the more
Tonight on Perspectives: Find out which Canadians are visiting the Vatican this month. Plus, there’s good news for Canadians living on the east coast. more
[singlepic id=229 w=610 h=300 float=center]Last night, speaking with my kids about what costumes would be suitable for Halloween (the oldest went as St. Nicholas and the youngest as a shepherd –- we decided he’d be the “Good Shepherd”) it occurred to me that some characters from the Book of Revelation would probably make for good more
Tonight on Perspectives: The Occupy movement has spread well beyond Wall Street and now Vancouver’s Cathedral is being targeted. Also, the head of the Catholic Church in Ukraine says that Soviet-era justice is putting the innocent behind bars. more
As anti-capitalism protests continue in Toronto’s St. James Park, a different kind of protest occupied the front lawn of the provincial legislature one week ago. Nearly 2,000 demonstrators gathered at Queen’s Park for the first ever Defund Abortion Rally. The event called on the province of Ontario to end the practice of subsidizing elective abortions. more
One of the Church’s best messengers, Fr. Robert Barron was recently invited to Toronto to deliver the 2011 John M. Kelly Lecture in Theology. The lecture, sponsored by the University of St. Michael’s College, took place in St. Basil’s Church. Fr. Barron’s insightful talk is now streaming online. Fr. Barron is widely known as an more
Nearly 100 Israeli, Palestinian and Italian runners put aside all differences as they participated in the 8th annual Pope John Paul II Bethlehem-Jerusalem Peace Run on October 24. The annual race is sponsored by Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi, the Vatican’s official travel agency, and the Israeli tourism ministry. The hope is that events like these will more