BLOG: Pope Francis
In today's catechesis, Pope Francis reflects on wisdom from the book of Ecclesiastes, which encourages us to place all of our trust in God. more
When weather threatens plans for Chiara Badano's beatification, the organizers decide it's time for a radical display of trust. more
Bearing the light of the Lamb | Word Alive
Deacon Eric Gurash
May 20, 2022
As we approach the end of the Easter season, it is a perfect time for us to reflect on where and how we are called to bear our Easter light. more
Pope Francis explores how the elderly, like Job, can teach us how to unite our suffering to the cross of Jesus Christ, trusting in God's mercy and goodness. more
Read the full text of Pope Francis’ message for the 108th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, which will be observed on September 25, 2022. more
Read the full text of Pope Francis’ message for 2nd World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, which will be celebrated on July 24, 2022. more
Pope Francis reflects on the example given by Judith, who saved her people and ended her days in attentive concern towards others. more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' address to the Indigenous delegates from Canada on the final day of their delegation to the Holy See. more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' address to the Indigenous delegates from Canada on the final day of their delegation to the Holy See. more
Read about Marie Rivier, whose zeal for the Gospel even in the midst of the French Revolution caused Pope Pius IX to call her the Woman-Apostle. more