BLOG: Pope Francis
We continue exploring Doctors of the Church with Peter Canisius, John of the Cross, Robert Bellarmine, Albert the Great, Anthony of Padua, and Lawrence of Brindisi. more
In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus says, "Apart from me you can do nothing." How do we understand this and what it means for our lives? more
Jermaine Bagnall reflects on his conversation with philanthropist and politician Mark Shriver about his new book, 10 Hidden Heroes. more
A new way of being together | One Body
Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC
April 27, 2021
Membership in the church is first of all about discipleship, and this influences our understanding of authority as being exercised through synodality. more
We continue exploring Doctors of the Church with Francis de Sales, John Damascene, Ephrem, Bede, and two Cyrils. more
Jesus the Good Shepherd teaches us by his example how to be trustworthy leaders in our own circumstances. What might that mean for you? more
As this pandemic wears on and makes us weary, what new ways can we find to deepen our relationship with Jesus? more
We continue exploring Doctors of the Church with Peter Chrysologus, Leo the Great, Peter Damian, Bernard of Clairvaux, Hilary of Poitiers, and Alphonsus Liguori. more
The stories we tell | Word Alive
Patrick Sullivan
April 16, 2021
The stories we tell help us make sense of our lives, and as Christians, we must tell our stories in the light and truth of Easter morning. more
Here are 7 YouTube worship session gems that are sure to lift you up and light your soul on fire! more