BLOG: Pope Francis
Is going to Confession a rollercoaster of emotions for you? Louisa Florentin reflects on this very human reaction and the mercy of Christ coming to meet it. more
Deacon Pedro introduces us to some beautiful prayers from the vast treasury of our Catholic Tradition. Will you find a new favourite? more
Why do we go to church? | Word Alive
Damian Costello
March 19, 2021
Damian Costello reflects on how Indigenous traditions, like the Lakota Sun Dance, have informed his own understanding of why we go to church. more
Just as Joseph and Mary searched Bethlehem for shelter, those in need today are seeking compassion, and they are knocking at our hearts. more
An unexpected friendship | Everyday Miracles
Lucas A.G. Corallo
March 17, 2021
Lucas has just moved away for school and is having trouble connecting with his classmates. But God has a surprise in store. more
Need some suggestions for how to celebrate the feast of St. Joseph in the Year of St. Joseph? Here are 7 helpful resources. more
As we prepare for the feast of St. Joseph on March 19, Deacon Pedro shares the history of the devotion to St. Joseph and some popular prayers. more
Keeping our eyes on God | Word Alive
Rachel Wong
March 12, 2021
Rachel Wong reflects on a year in pandemic and how it has helped to clarify the essential in her life of faith. more
Join us as we pray the St. Joseph Novena, leading up to his feast day on March 19th. Here are 9 reasons why we should all pray the St. Joseph Novena. more
Pope Francis set us an example last weekend by going to Iraq to deliver a message of peace, fraternity, and care. How can we imitate him? more