BLOG: Susan HooKong-Taylor
Address of His Holiness Pope FrancisVisit to the President of IsraelJerusalem, 26 May 2014 Mr President,Your Excellencies,Ladies and Gentlemen, I am grateful to you, Mr President, for your kind greeting and your words of welcome.  I am happy to be able to meet you once again, this time in Jerusalem, the city which preserves the more
Address of His Holiness Pope FrancisTo the Two Chief Rabbis of IsraelJerusalem, 26 May 2014 Distinguished Chief Rabbis of Israel, I am particularly pleased to be here with you today.  I am grateful for your warm reception and your kind words of welcome. As you know, from the time I was Archbishop of Buenos Aires, more
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis Visit to the Memorial of Yad Vashem Jerusalem, 26 May 2014 “Adam, where are you?” (cf. Gen 3:9). Where are you, o man? What have you come to? In this place, this memorial of the Shoah, we hear God’s question echo once more: “Adam, where are you?” This question more
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis Visit to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Jerusalem, 26 May 2014 Dear Muslim Friends, I am grateful for the opportunity to meet with you in this sacred place. I thank you for the courteous invitation you have extended to me and, in particular, I wish to thank the Grand more
Address of His Holiness Pope FrancisEcumenical Celebration in the Basilica of the Holy SepulchreJerusalem, 25 May 2014 In this Basilica, which all Christians regard with the deepest veneration, my pilgrimage in the company of my beloved brother in Christ, His Holiness Bartholomaios, now reaches its culmination.  We are making this pilgrimage in the footsteps of more
Holy Sepulchre, May 25, 2014 “Do not be afraid; for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.” (Matt. 28.5-6) Your Holiness and dearly beloved brother in Christ, Your Beatitude Patriarch of the Holy City of more
Like our venerable predecessors Pope Paul VI and Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras who met here in Jerusalem fifty years ago, we too, Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, were determined to meet in the Holy Land “where our common Redeemer, Christ our Lord, lived, taught, died, rose again, and ascended into Heaven, whence he sent the Holy more
May 25, 2014 Your Holiness, in the heart of the turbulent and violent Middle East, where Christians are often persecuted, Israel is an island of tolerance. We guarantee freedom of worship for all and we are committed to maintaining the status quo at the Holy sites of Christians, Muslims and Jews. Your Holiness, Pope Francis, more
State Welcome Reception for Pope Francis May 25, 2014 On behalf of the Jewish people and in the name of all the people of Israel, I welcome you with the age old words from the Book of Psalms: “Welcome in the name of the Lord.” Welcome at the gates of Jerusalem. Your Holiness, You have more
Pope Francis arrived by helicopter, from Bethlehem in the West Bank to the Israeli international airport near Tel Aviv. Upon his arrival at the airport around 4:30 this afternoon, he was greeted by Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres and other Israeli government authorities.  Mr. President, Mr. Prime Minister, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank more