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Read the full text of Pope Francis' homily given during a penitential service in the Vatican on the Solemnity of the Annunciation, March 25, 2022. more
God is calling us into our true selves | Word Alive
Susan HooKong-Taylor
March 25, 2022
This Lent, God is calling us into our true selves and into His promise for us – to be the new creations in Christ we are called to be. more
The worst calamity of all | Word Alive
Brett Salkeld
March 18, 2022
How do we understand God's role in the tragedies of this life? Theologian Brett Salkeld reflects on the readings for the 3rd Sunday of Lent. more
The temptations of the Lord in the Gospel for this First Sunday of Lent offer us some important and hopeful points to begin our Lenten journey. more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' homily for Ash Wednesday 2022. more
An ecumenical panel on synodality | One Body
Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC
March 1, 2022
Exploring different approaches to synodality in Christian churches reveals one of the many valuable ways we can learn from one another through dialogue. more
As we embark on the season of Lent this week, Deacon Pedro looks at the practice of fasting and abstinence. What is it? And why do we do it? more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' message for Lent 2022 about sowing goodness whenever and wherever we can. more
Listening with the heart | One Body
Julien Hammond
November 30, 2021
How good are we at listening with our hearts? Do we hear how God may be speaking to us through people outside our own church and beyond? more
How do we walk together? Julian Paparella offers suggestions of how we can use this synod as an opportunity to reach out beyond our Church. more