BLOG: Advent and Christmas,Benedict XVI,
As we prepare for the coming of Christ, it's a great time to reflect on the beauty of the season. Here are 10 videos that might help. more
I don’t want to overstep, but I highly doubt you were immaculately conceived. I know I wasn’t. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t try to be prepared like Mary was. more
What does Advent have to do with the Three Little Pigs? Read this blog to find out! more
What makes a “Catholic” website really “Catholic”? Sebastian Gomes reflects on the Catholic media we consume and offers criteria to help us discern our use. more
Read the full text of Pope Francis’ preface of Benedict’s works: A compass to Understand our Present day. Curtesy of Aleteia Magazine. more
The final lessons of John XXIII and Benedict XVI G.K. Chesterton once wrote: “It is of the new things that men tire… of fashions and proposals and improvements and change. It is the old things that startle and intoxicate. It is the old things that are young.” This was the paradoxical justification Chesterton gave for more
Sebastian Gomes speaks with Cardinal Donald Wuerl about Pope Benedict XVI, his resignation, and the Papal Transition to Pope Francis. more
By Sebastian Gomes, Special to CNN In hindsight we see how calculated Benedict’s thinking was, and not only about his resignation. He called an unexpected consistory to be held on November 24 in which he created six new cardinals, none of them coming from Europe. That came nine months after the previous consistory, meaning that more
Pope Benedict XVI delivered his final public homily on February 13, 2013 during Ash Wednesday Mass, just days after announcing his resignation. Here is the full homily. more
The Infancy Narratives in the gospels of Mathew and Luke are filled with rich symbolism. The Evangelists were Christians of the first century whose lives were dramatically changed after the death and resurrection of Jesus. It was their deep faith in Jesus and their concrete experience of the Christian community that informed the theology that more