Just as when Jesus sent his apostles out with only their staff, sandals, and faith, the pandemic has forced us to evaluate what’s truly important to us. ...read more
The path of the missionary disciple is a beautiful adventure full of joy and blessing, but at the same time a difficult and complex challenge. ...read more
Sometimes it seems that all our good efforts produce little fruit. The Gospel reminds us that even the tiny mustard seed can grow into a mighty tree. ...read more
On the feast of Corpus Christi, Gerard Gallagher reflects on how we enter into communion with one another through the gift of the Eucharist. ...read more
How would you describe marriage? Is it the old "ball and chain"? A mere contract? An out-dated formality? Or just an excuse to have the party of your life? ...read more
God is a Trinity totally in love with each other, and that Love is the heart of all reality. What does that mean for our relationship with God and one another? ...read more
What makes a saint? On this 70th anniversary of the death of Servant of God Fr. Emil Kapaun, Scott Carter reflects on his enduring example. ...read more
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