BLOG: Advent and Christmas,Bible/Biblical Reflections,Reflections
If Jesus can defeat death itself, there is nothing that He cannot overcome. Let us open the door of our lives to the power of His resurrection! more
We all come to faith in so many different ways. But finding the Risen Jesus is not mission accomplished; it is just the start of our mission. more
How can we build each other up? Palm crosses folded years ago with Grandmother give Caustan De Riggs food for meditation this Palm Sunday. more
As we begin the Year of the Family, Isabelle Gagnon explores preparation for family life and the values specific to the family vocation. more
During Holy Week, we see Jesus' love for us played out before our very eyes. How can we respond to a love that is so deep? more
Why do we go to church? | Word Alive
Damian Costello
March 19, 2021
Damian Costello reflects on how Indigenous traditions, like the Lakota Sun Dance, have informed his own understanding of why we go to church. more
Just as Joseph and Mary searched Bethlehem for shelter, those in need today are seeking compassion, and they are knocking at our hearts. more
Keeping our eyes on God | Word Alive
Rachel Wong
March 12, 2021
Rachel Wong reflects on a year in pandemic and how it has helped to clarify the essential in her life of faith. more
Pope Francis set us an example last weekend by going to Iraq to deliver a message of peace, fraternity, and care. How can we imitate him? more
The law of life | Word Alive
Sr. Nathalie Becquart, xmcj
March 5, 2021
Sr. Nathalie Becquart reflects on the readings for the Third Sunday of Lent and what they tell us about God's law and its meaning for our life. more