Deacon Pedro rounds off his series of Catholic basics trivia with the most challenging topic of all: Catholic Doctrine. How much do you know? more
Can you name the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit? How about all 20 Mysteries of the Rosary? Challenge yourself on these "Catholic Basics" with Deacon Pedro. more
Deacon Pedro continues his series of Catholic basics trivia with a look at liturgy. How many of these things do you know off the top of your head? more
Deacon Pedro presents us with a trivia challenge on the basics of Scripture every Catholic should know. How many can you answer without looking them up? more
“You of little faith.” I can imagine what it felt like to be told that by Jesus: “You don’t have faith. If only you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could tell that mountain to move over there and it would move. You guys don’t have faith” (see Matthew 17:20). And this more
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