BLOG: Advent and Christmas,Faith Education,Liturgical,Prayer
In a solemn liturgy that began with Pope Francis prostrating himself before the Cross, the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion was held today in the Vatican’s St. Peter’s Basilica. Following tradition, the Good Friday homily was given by the Preacher to the Papal Household, Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap. The Capuchin father’s message is titled, more
In one of the most moving liturgies of the year, the Church marks the start of Holy Week with Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter’s Square. Published below is the full text of Pope Francis’ homily. 1. Jesus enters Jerusalem. The crowd of disciples accompanies him in festive mood, their garments are stretched out before more
Pastoral Letter for the Year of Faith Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires October 2012 Dear Brothers and Sisters: Among the most striking experiences of the last decades is finding doors closed. Little by little increasing insecurity has made us bolt doors, employ means of vigilance, install security cameras and mistrust strangers who call at more
Following a historic conclave, Pope Francis was publicly installed as the 266th Bishop of Rome earlier today in St. Peter’s Square. Published below is an unofficial translation of the Holy Father’s homily. Note: S+L will rebroadcast the mass at 1:30 pm ET/10:30 am PT, 8:00 pm ET/5:00 pm PT and 12:00 am ET/9:00 pm PT. more
If you joined us earlier this morning, you saw a spectacular liturgy from inside St. Peter’s Basilica. During this Mass, called the Pro Eligendo Romano Pontifice Mass, the cardinals prayed for the election of a new Supreme Pontiff. Salt + Light will continue its in-depth analysis and reporting throughout the coming days. We will be more
Earlier this morning at the Vatican, the College of Cardinals gathered inside St. Peter’s Basilica for a Pro Eligendo Romano Pontifice Mass. This Mass was the final step before the opening of today’s conclave. Published below is an official translation of the homily, as delivered by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, main celebrant and Dean of the more
We started looking at the papacy and some history as explained in the In Your Faith episode, Who is the Pope? and then last time we looked at why we have popes. Today, let’s continue with some interesting facts about the papacy. As soon as a pope dies, all cardinals under the age of 80 more
Last time we were looking at some interesting facts about the papacy as presented in the In Your Faith episode, Who is the Pope? We learned that the history of the papacy is as varied as it is interesting. But why do we have popes in the first place? There’s a lot of confusion as more
If ever there was a Catholic Cathedral you wanted to visit, the city of Los Angeles, in the state of California, has exactly what you’re looking for. Standing in the midst of downtown Los Angeles, the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels serves the entire Archdiocese that has close to five million Catholics. As more
I remember 8 years ago when we heard about the new Pope, Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI. I have to be honest, it was a difficult news to digest since we were still mourning the loss of John Paul II. At the time we were working on the second season of our teen series, more