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The Catholic Church in Canada will have another saint to call its own come this fall. There was no doubting the holiness of Blessed André Bessette, CSC, but come Sunday, October 17th, the Miracle Man of Montreal will be officially recognized as a Saint by the universal Church. The date was announced in Rome today more
Go to and you’ll meet a parish community that’s very much alive in the faith.  Surprisingly, this St. Gianna parish community in Winnipeg has not had a church building they can call their own since they had their first Mass in 2004.  On their website, you’ll see a video of their church building in more
My morning routine always begins by checking the Holy See Press Office’s Bollettino, or its English counterpart, the Vatican Information Service. While not all of the communiqués seem relevant to my work—bishop appointments to Switzerland, the creation of a new diocese in Malaysia—other announcements can be electrifying. Like today, the Vatican hinted at the imminent more
Christian communities that follow the Julian calendar observe Christmas on January 7th, 13 days after the Gregorian-calendar Christmas. So, to our Christian brothers and sisters who celebrate today – including Ukrainians, Russians, Serbians, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Romanians, Belarusians and others – we wish you a very Merry Christmas! I had a chance to chat with Fr. more
Ite ad Joseph. That’s the inscription below the statue of Joseph in front of St. Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal. Go to Joseph. It’s a famous instruction by Blessed Brother André Bessette, CSC, who’s feast day we celebrate today. Of his devotion to Joseph, Fr. H.P. Bergeron, CSC, one of the humble brother’s contemporaries, writes in more
Although the Canadian Church moved the official celebration of the Epiphany to the first Sunday of January, the Universal Church still celebrates the feast on January 6th. In Rome today, Pope Benedict XVI marked the solemnity with Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica and gave a homily reflecting on the significance of the Magi, or the more
Today celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. A week after we have celebrated the birth of our Saviour, we recognize His mother — Theotokos, God-bearer! It’s also an appropriate time to celebrate this feast as we begin the new year. Pope Benedict XVI noted this in his homily on this day four more
As this year draws to a close, and 2010 begins, Salt + Light Television is pleased to bring to you two Papal events. On New Year’s Eve, at St. Peter’s in Rome, Pope Benedict XVI will celebrate Vespers in thanksgiving for the year gone by. You can watch this live, without English translation, Thursday, December more
In the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were terribly frightened. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; more
Oscar Romero, the Archbishop of El Salvador who was assassinated in 1980 and was an incredible witness to human rights, had a heart that was always drawn to the poor and neglected. On December 24th, 1978, three years before he was killed, he writes: This is the Christian’s joy: I know that I am a more