BLOG: Advent and Christmas,Faith Education,Prayer
On December 8, we celebrate Mary and how she was free from original sin from the moment of her conception. The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is an important feast day around the world. Many countries like the Philippines, Italy, Malta, Portugal, and Colombia made this day a public holiday. In the United States, it more
  “The voice of one crying out in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.’” Isaiah 11:1-10 Romans 15:4-9 Matthew 3:1-12 “That’s just how we’ve always done things. It’s a good idea, but we’re so set in our ways!” “That’s just the way the world is. I wish it were more
  Advent is a time to remember the limits of time. It’s a time to remember that all things, including good things, come to an end.   Matthew 24:37-44 When I was reading Maria’s post about fasting in Advent, I was struck by how similar and how different Advent is to Lent. Both are traditionally more
Lent has always been my favourite season in the liturgical calendar. The best part of Lent, for me, has been fasting. During Lent, I’ve fasted from Facebook, YouTube videos, meat, and even added sugar. Without exception, I’ve always felt cleansed, less dependent on whatever social media or food I gave up, and closer to God more
Over the past few years, many of us have lost loved ones due to the pandemic. My grandfather passed away last year. He was a social person and would have wanted a big funeral with many people in attendance like the funeral my grandmother had. Instead, he had a private viewing with a few family more
Whenever I see a rosary hanging on someone’s rear-view mirror, I automatically feel a kinship with the Catholic driver. However, a rosary is not a decoration. It is a powerful spiritual tool, and popes have been encouraging Catholics to pray the Rosary for years. Since October is the month of the Rosary, here are three more
Are war and violence an inescapable part of human nature? Benjamin Boivin explains what the Catholic Church teaches us about the nature of war. more
When we celebrate the baptism of Jesus, we are reminded of our own baptism, of the fact that he has made us clean from all sin. How will we respond? more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' homily for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, and the 55th World Day of Peace on January 1, 2022. more
Your light has come | Word Alive
Gabrielle Sinclair
December 31, 2021
The example of the Magi reminds us that participation is what expansive love looks like, to be present and engaged. more