BLOG: Advent and Christmas,Family LIfe,
What challenges does the modern family face? What is the Church's role in its encounter with families? Julian Paparella explores ch 2 of Amoris Laetitia. more
Julian Paparella explores the idea of the human family as a reflection of the Trinity, as expressed in the beginning of Pope Francis' Amoris Laetitia. more
Watch this original S+L series of short videos that reflects on the many faces of love in the family by talking to real families in Canada and the US. more
Get ready for the World Meeting of Families in Dublin, Ireland, this August! Check out the official hymn and music video here. more
The Infancy Narratives in the gospels of Mathew and Luke are filled with rich symbolism. The Evangelists were Christians of the first century whose lives were dramatically changed after the death and resurrection of Jesus. It was their deep faith in Jesus and their concrete experience of the Christian community that informed the theology that more
The Infancy Narratives in the gospels of Mathew and Luke are filled with rich symbolism. The Evangelists were Christians of the first century whose lives were dramatically changed after the death and resurrection of Jesus. It was their deep faith in Jesus and their concrete experience of the Christian community that informed the theology that more
The Infancy Narratives in the gospels of Mathew and Luke are filled with rich symbolism. The Evangelists were Christians of the first century whose lives were dramatically changed after the death and resurrection of Jesus. It was their deep faith in Jesus and their concrete experience of the Christian community that informed the theology that more
The Infancy Narratives in the gospels of Mathew and Luke are filled with rich symbolism. The Evangelists were Christians of the first century whose lives were dramatically changed after the death and resurrection of Jesus. It was their deep faith in Jesus and their concrete experience of the Christian community that informed the theology that more
Oh, it’s new year again! How are there only 365 days in a year? If only we could double or triple the length of a year, then I should be able to complete my New Year’s Resolutions. Wait a second! I haven’t changed my resolutions for a few years now. Every end of December and more
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. As we reflect on the year that has been and the year that will be, through the lens of the family, let me offer this wonderful reflection from Bl. Pope Paul VI from an address while in Nazareth in January 5, 1964 and taken from the more