BLOG: Advent and Christmas,Fr. Thomas Rosica,Photo of the Day,Producer Diaries,The Producer Diaries
On Friday, October 18, 2013, a special Symposium (Convegno) will be held in Rome commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the foundation of the Vatican Television Centre (CTV). The important gathering will be held at the Sala Stampa Estera (Foreign Press Centre) in downtown Rome. Hosted by CTV, the program will feature messages from Pope Francis more
Excerpt from ADDRESS OF POPE FRANCIS TO RECENTLY APPOINTED BISHOPS TAKING PART IN A COURSE ORGANIZED BY THE CONGREGATION FOR BISHOPS AND BY THE CONGREGATION FOR THE EASTERN CHURCHES Clementine HallThursday, 19 September 2013 “What does tending and having the permanent and daily care of their sheep (Second Vatican Ecumenical Council Lumen Gentium, n. 27) more
Fr. Rosica’s introduction: Allowing ourselves to be looked upon by Jesus, whose gaze changes our lives: this was the focus of Pope Francis’ remarks after the readings at Mass on Saturday morning, the Feast of St Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist, whose conversion story is told in the Gospel passage of the day, a Gospel story that has more
After the recitation of the Angelus, Pope Francis renewed his call for peace in Syria. “It is not confrontation that offers hope to resolve problems, but rather the ability to meet and dialogue.” The Holy Father called on the International Community to do everything in its power to help the “beloved Syrian nation” find a more
(CNS) Highlights of Pope Francis’ visit to Rio, during WYD Rio 2013 World Youth Day 2013 Flash Mob More highlights of Pope Francis’ visit to Rio during World Youth Day 2013 Bishops at World Youth Day practicing the Flash Mob more
Courtesy of ZENIT, a 360 interactive image is available of “Campus Fidei” (“Field of Faith”), the site of next weekend’s WYD Rio Prayer Vigil and Closing Mass. Check it out for yourself: Launch interactive image! more
Archbishop Murray Chatlain of Keewatin-Le Pas, Manitoba, stands up after receiving a pallium from Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican, today, June 29, 2013. The pope presented woolen pallia to 34 archbishops during the liturgy. His Holiness Pope Francis gave the pallia to newly appointed Metropolitan Archbishops at the Mass celebrating the more
In October, 2012, Bishops from around the world met in Rome to discuss “The New Evangelization.”  It was a moment of great expectation in the Catholic Church, and for the first time in history the Vatican allowed two outside journalists to attend the closed sessions of a Synod of Bishops.  For the past six months more
Pope Francis greets Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI inside the doorway of the Mater Ecclesia monastery in Vatican City. Benedict XVI returned to Vatican City for the first time after his resignation became official on February 28, 2013. — Photo courtesy of L’Osservatore Romano Photographic Service more
Pope Francis and Cardinal Agostino Vallini look on as a plaque is unveiled, dedicating the plaza in front of the Basilica of St. John Lateran to the last Pope John Paul II. The dedication ceremony took place just before the Mass during which Pope Francis officially took possession of the Basilica of St. John Lateran, more