BLOG: Advent and Christmas,Pope Francis
One of the things that helps us keep focused on the real point of Christmas is taking time to stop and step back from the usual hustle and bustle of everyday life.  Salt + Light staff will be doing that this year, but we won’t leave you without something special to watch. Perspectives Daily will more
I’ve made a point for the last 20 or so years to acquire a new Christmas album every year. It sort of happened by accident first; I bought some albums that I had grown up with (Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas” among them) and then I continued adding to my collection. It means that today, I more
What is Hanukkah? What does it have to do with the coming of the Messiah and what is the significance of light for this Jewish feast day? How does Hanukkah help us understand our own faith tradition? These are just some of the questions that Pedro asks this week on Perspectives: the Weekly Edition. Joining him more
The feast of the Immaculate Conception is a public holiday in Italy and most of Europe. When I lived there as a student, December 8th was always a special day because it was a holiday, because it reminded me that Advent had indeed begun, and because it was also the day for a special gathering with more
A reflection on the importance and history of Saint Nicholas, otherwise known as the Spiritual Father of Christmas. St. Nicholas, pray for us. more
In our culture of abundance, more and more people are giving to charities this season. As Salt + Light launches its Advent fundraising campaign, Kris and Cheridan explain why should consider a donation to our media ministry. more
Whether you call your Christmas nativity scene a creche, manger, putz, or szopka, displaying the nativity is a treasured Christian tradition. I recall our little manger; I’d spend hours meticulously trying to figure out how many sheep should stand next the ox and if baby Jesus had enough hay to sleep on. No doubt, you more
Huge crowds gathered to join the Holy Father as he celebrated Vespers of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Below find his words to the thousands of German faithful gathered at Etzelsbach: Dear Brothers and Sisters, Now I am able to fulfill my wish to visit Eichsfeld, and here in Etzelsbach to thank Mary in company with more
Today is January 6th, and I am thinking of the three wise men. And the three wise men make me think of distances. I was always intrigued about distances in Israel. When I read that Mary and Joseph walked from Nazareth to Bethlehem, or that Mary rode on a donkey, it’s hard to appreciate how more
As we enter into a New Year, the Church celebrates the great solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. The Church also commemorates the World Day of Peace today. (You can read Pope Benedict’s message for the day, which focuses on religious freedom, here.) As we mark there two occasions, let us pray to our more