BLOG: Advent and Christmas,Homilies,Pope Francis
There is a voice inside all of us that cries out, "Where is God?" When faced with this "voice of illness" in others, how should we respond? more
Daddy to the rescue | Word Alive
Rev. Gregory Dyson
November 27, 2020
On the First Sunday of Advent, we see the people of Israel crying to God, like a child to its father. What does this mean for us today? more
There is a voice of illness inside each of us which cries out, "Where is God?" Deacon Pedro reflects on our search for meaning in our brokenness. more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' homily for World Day of the Poor, exploring the Parable of the Talents. more
Saving liberalism from itself
Fr. Damian Howard, SJ
October 27, 2020
Fr. Damian Howard, Provincial of the Jesuits in Britain, shares his views on Pope Francis' new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti. more
Read the full text of the Appeal for Peace given by Pope Francis at the International Meeting of Prayer for Peace in Rome yesterday. more
Fratelli Tutti is Pope Francis' new encyclical on fraternity and social friendship. Francis Denis gives us an overview of this important new document. more
On September 25, 2020, Pope Francis addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations by pre-recorded message. The full text of the Holy Father’s address is provided below, courtesy of the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations, while the video can be found on the Holy See Mission‘s YouTube Channel. more
Read Pope Francis' Message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation 2020 on the theme: Jubilee for the Earth. more
Read Pope Francis' homily on the important lessons of unity and prophecy that we can learn from the Apostles Peter and Paul on their joint feast day. more