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Jermaine Bagnall reflects on his conversation with philanthropist and politician Mark Shriver about his new book, 10 Hidden Heroes. more
Salt + Light Media and Producciones Dynamis bring you a message of hope from Spanish-speaking artists: Nadie Te Ama Como Yo. more
Looking for a new way to say "YES!" to the Lord this Lent? Check out Salt + Light Media's new show, YES, LORD!, premiering tomorrow. more
Jermaine Bagnall tells us what he learned from interviewing Loyola Press' Joellyn Cicciarelli and about her time working for Mr. Rogers more
Jermaine Bagnall gives us some insights into episode eight of Working in Faith and his guest, Ryan Hanning. more
We need to be friends to all we meet but especially to the poor and needy. And who is a friend? Deacon Pedro concludes this series on the voice of illness. more
Read Pope Francis' first homily of 2021, delivered in St. Peter's Basilica by Cardinal Pietro Parolin for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. more
Turning on the light | Word Alive
Fr. Raphael Ma, CR
January 1, 2021
Fr. Raphael Ma reflects on how discovering Jesus, the Light of the World, can set our lives on unexpected paths. A reflection for the Epiphany. more
God chose to enter into our world through a family. Why is this so important? And how should it inform the way we see our own families? more
Deacon Pedro shares four insights that he has learned about suffering from experiences in his own life. more