BLOG: Advent%20and%20Christmas,Reflections
There is a voice inside all of us that cries out, "Where is God?" When faced with this "voice of illness" in others, how should we respond? more
Daddy to the rescue | Word Alive
Rev. Gregory Dyson
November 27, 2020
On the First Sunday of Advent, we see the people of Israel crying to God, like a child to its father. What does this mean for us today? more
There is a voice of illness inside each of us which cries out, "Where is God?" Deacon Pedro reflects on our search for meaning in our brokenness. more
How can I be a good neighbour during the COVID-19 pandemic? Julian Paparella explores this question in a new instalment of Love Digest. more
What is love? In this new series, Julian Paparella explores love in everyday life in light of God's love for us and our call to love one another. more
What areas of your life are you clinging tightly to? Perhaps it's time to learn from the leaves and let go. more
Have you let God find you today?
Kathleen LeBlanc
October 6, 2020
Kathleen LeBlanc of the band Found Together reflects on our relationship with God and on letting ourselves be found by Him. more
Whether it means overpacking or bringing items we’d never use in our daily lives, going on vacation means luggage packed with the best version of ourselves. What if we adopted this same mindset on the road to Heaven? more
Marie Anne Torres shares 7 important lessons from the classic spiritual text, Finding God’s Will for You by St. Francis de Sales. more
Especially during this time of pandemic, the Sacred Heart of Jesus challenges us to reach out to others with His mercy, His love, and His compassion. more